Trying to Quickly Maneuver Around a Stopped Bus Could Cost You Big Time
Jeff Schaffer of Jenkintown's premier law firm, Saffren & Weinberg, has helped many victims of motor vehicle accidents obtain justice for their personal injuries throughout the years. Saffren & Weinberg has been able to win millions of dollars for personal injury victims.
Attorney Jeff Schaffer concentrates his practice in areas such as motor vehicle accidents along with general personal injury, premises liability, slip and falls, construction, medical malpractice claims, and product liability.
Jeff Schaffer was recently able to help a victim receive compensation for her personal injuries that occurred as the result of a highly-contested motor vehicle accident matter. The defendant claimed that Schaffer's client traveled into his lane, causing the accident. However, the client claimed that the defendant traveled around a bus and into her lane, causing the accident.
Nearly 2.5 million people become injured or disabled each year due to a motor vehicle accident. It is crucial to seek and obtain justice for accident victims who have done no wrong of their own. Luckily, the victim reached out to Saffren & Weinberg to get representation for her injury.
Attorney Schaffer was successful with this case. The defendant's insurance agreed with the client's position and settled the case resulting in compensation for recovery of the client's injuries.
Marc Weinberg, Lawyer of Jenkintown and Ken Saffren, Attorney are named partners of Jenkintown's Saffren & Weinberg. They, along with their team, work tirelessly to find solutions for those who have been involved in accidents or seek social security benefits. Known as "The People's Voice in Court," Weinberg and the team make themselves available via direct phone at 215-576-0100 or via email on the website. Saffren & Weinberg provides a no-charge, complimentary case review and is more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.
This article first appeared on EIN Presswire.
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Marc Weinberg, Partner
Saffren & Weinberg
215 576-0100
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